Sunday, January 11, 2009


yup~i'm back to inti hostel from seremban(my grandmother's home).

2 day ago receive a call from my mum, she call me to visit my grandmother at Seremban. From inti go to my grandmother's home almost need 2hours journey. I go alone by bus and train to my grandmother. On the day i feel boring and a little scare because this is my first time alone go to grandmum home. Finally i reach my grandmun by safe ^^When i reach my grandmum's home already 8.3opm.

In my grandmum home, my grandmum tell my about my auntie was sicked now is danger moment. When i hear about this, i fell surprise because few month ago, my auntie stay my home few week. At the time my auntie is look fine and healtly, but now was been isolate. Is quite serious.(i not very clear wat ill she got==") I feel sad...because my auntie treat me quite nice. At the same time, i feel health is very important in our life.

I stay my grandmum home about 2 day. In this 2 day my grandmum treat me is well. And she cook my favour food (curry) for me. Actually my grandmum is very lonely because she live alone. In this 2 day i'm very happy. ^^After this time i think on chinese new year only can go to my grandmum home again.

Today i back to hostel alone. Today i no scare anymore, maybe i familiar the journey from seremban to inti. ^^ When i reach my room, i feel boring bacause tomorrow got class. And need study>.< weekend is end so fast .

1 comment:

  1. It is very sad to hear someone in danger. Our life is filled with 0 and 1.
    Health is very important, for at least, take care of ourself and not let other people eg your family worry about it. Because worry some people will get ill...
